Sunday, June 15, 2008


Gotta keep this quick, as am getting on a plane in a few hours. Off to Scotland for a week to participate in the CIVICUS World Assembly (you can find a link to the Assembly on the civicus website, to the right, if interested). It should be a great event, and my program has several activities planned for the week. Will update on it when i am back. Sunday the 22nd I fly to Madrid, where I meet up with sarah for a week of tapas and espanol before heading back home to Joburg. Superduperterrific! :)

Hope all is well with everyone, and will worte more when i get back in early July!

1 comment:

amy in peru said...

hey amy in south africa,
I'm the NEW amy in peru and was hoping to talk about the blogspot name... :) I'm wondering if you'd consider merging your two blogs or some such fun thing, so that perhaps I might give some love to the name once again ;) ...great taste in blog name by the way ;)

thanks for contacting me... you'll be able to contact me from my blogger profile... please do let me know either way :) thanks!

amy in peru